What?  Meditation is the very simple act of being consciously present.

Why? To be able to fully experience and enjoy life’s journey in one’s body in that right place and moment. Neuroscience has confirmed that 90% of our behaviours are guided by our unconscious…..the good news is that we can get to know and master this through meditation!

How? Millennia of Eastern and Western culture and philosophy offer hundreds of possible types of meditations. At first it may seem too confusing but it is not; no method is superior, the only thing to do  is stop the body and pay attention to  breath so the mind stops distracting and you can perceive your true essence. Believe me: it happens, naturally. It is only a matter of starting and practising regularly.

When? There is no specific or optimal time, everybody finds his/her own easily.
The right question is When are you going to start?”
And the right answer is “NOW”.
As soon as you will perceive the benefits, meditation is to become a daily practice as eating, working or brushing teeth.

€ 15,00 50 min.