The exclusive sharp and effective 1,2,3 FORMULA FOR YOU to actively and efficiently change your life style.
The 1,2,3 steps formula is a short term, effectively sharp and consistently designed to help YOU achieving and mantaining your lifestyle goals.

It is a naturopathic approach because involving those 3 basic factors connected to our nature that drive and impact our wellbeing: food, water and exercise.

1,2,3 because it is structered in 3 steps of intervention: goal setting, action plan definition and execution, follow-up and maintaining

1,2,3 because it is based on 3 main areas of intervention: nutrition, hydration and energy management

1,2,3 because it is delivered in 3 sessions, 1,5 hour each either in person or line: SIMPLE AS DRINKING A GLASS OF WATER!

Note: this service includes 3 sessions to be paid initially at purchase while booking the first 90' session during which you will be given appointment for the other 2 meetings.

€ 267,00 1 Hora & 30 min.