Do you feel overwhelmed by the daily routine and your stressful job? When you come back from vacation are you more tired than before?

I Help You Make Your Vacations the Opportunity to Finally Achieve the Total Wellness You Desire

and Enter Activities that Make You Feel Good... to Free Yourself from Body and Mind Discomfort, Defeat Stress, and Regain Control of Your Life

Without taking time away from rest and fun!


Are you an employee or entrepreneur

and besides work, you can’t fit into your schedule activities that make you feel good and moments to devote to yourself?

The hectic pace and pressing demands of work can lead you to postpone indefinitely activities that would be a boon to your health.

Reversing this trend is possible


You have physical pain in one or more parts

Of the body that you have been carrying around for quite some time?

More and more people are living with physical discomfort, and when these ailments have been with us for years, it is easy to think that they have become a part of us and nothing more can be done to resolve them.

You can say goodbye to these hassles


Do you feel imprisoned

on a downhill slope where your health deteriorates as time passes?

If we suppress the symptoms that recur cyclically, we may think we are doomed to spend the rest of our days among aches and pains that will sooner or later worsen.

There is a way out of this

Ciao! I am Monica Ottone, a holistic practitioner specializing in the psychosomatic approach, therapist and coach.

In my experience, I have met many people who ask me for help in defeating ailments that have haunted them for years, such as back pain, irregular bowel, headaches, sciatica, and so on.

Others come to me with chronic fatigue and insomnia, exhausted after a thousand failures even with medical therapies, psychotherapy or mental coaching.

Besides suffering they all have something in common.

In everyday life they try to suppress every symptom, physical and mental.

To keep up with the fast pace of work and daily tasks, they try to sweep under the rug as soon as possible those signals that the body sends them to tell them that something is wrong.

Signals silenced for months, years, often even with medication.

And do you know when these disorders come back with overbearingness?

On vacation

Yes, you read it right.

It is when we pull the plug that the disorders we so quickly suppressed come back.

I see it every day here in my studio in Cabo Verde with tourists from all over the world.

Suddenly the neck is stuck, the back is back in pain, or you have to stay in the room two days to recover.

But the worst is not a ruined vacation.

It is realizing that you are living a life that is not your own, that you hate your job, that you no longer love those around you, that you are a victim of social and family conditioning that drives you to despair.

And to suddenly feel the world come crashing down on you.

"I don't want to see anyone in this condition anymore!"

And I’m here to tell you that there is a way out and that you can get rid of the CAUSES of your discomfort without worrying anymore about living with dissatisfaction, frustration and annoying symptoms.

I am deeply convinced that each of us-with the right tools and guidance-can overcome discomfort of body and mind forever and regain the strength to take charge of our lives again.

And your vacations can be the best time to do all this, and your biggest stepping stone to the happy and fulfilling life you’ve always wanted.

Without taking one second away from rest, recreation and fun!

If you are still dissatisfied with your physical and emotional well-being right now, it is because no one has yet shown you how to achieve the transformation you need, based on YOUR specific situation.

Without necessarily locking yourself up for hours in the gym, embarking on complicated therapies or completely turning your life upside down.

And after first helping myself and then many people in recent years, I created the C.A.M.Bio Method that will help you:

  • Achieve total well-being involving your body, mind, and emotions
  • Discover within yourself the strength to realize what you have always wanted and live according to your calling
  • To finally live a full and enjoyable life as in your ideal vacation, bringing a healthy and empowering routine back into your daily routine
  • Achieving a perfect work-life balance
  • Free yourself once and for all from work, social and family constraints that lead you to dissatisfaction
  • To radically change the perspective from which you view life events and how you react to them
  • Adapt your transformation to your time and needs so that it happens in the most natural way

The C.A.M.BIO Method

I have experienced that true total well-being is achieved only if we take care of our 3 basic components

1 – BODY

According to K.G. Jung, disease represents the natural remedy that nature provides for us to heal.

Jung conceived of our organs as internal deities and our ideas as their manifestations; when we ignore their messages, they react with malaise.

Therefore, those experiencing physical pain and discomfort are encouraged to make deeper contact and listen to their bodies, using a combination of touch, breath and movement.

2 – SOUL

In antiquity, the physician Galen addressed Emperor Marcus Aurelius with a significant piece of advice, “Do not let the difficulties of life get you down, for the mind has power over the body and can affect your health to the point of death.”

In my approach, the well-being of the spirit or soul is promoted by helping to gain awareness through holistic practices such as meditation and visualization.

3 – MIND

For quite some time I have been doing mental coaching using traditional NLP strategies, but this approach has only produced improvements in people’s performance.

Meanwhile, my health deteriorated and my mind remained dominant, overactive and reactive, until I discovered and deepened the practice of mindfulness developed by J. Kabat-Zinn.

Through this methodology, one learns to live in the present, not to be a slave to one’s thoughts, and, in the end, to listen to one’s inner doctor to facilitate the healing process.

And finally BIO, as this approach blends principles from various disciplines related to natural wellness, the result of in-depth studies and careful learning aimed at stimulating vital energies (Bio) and using elements that respect Nature, drawn directly from it (Natural).

Here are the 3 Whys of Bio

The method draws loosely from the findings of Bruce Lipton and his Biology of Beliefs, which highlights how our thoughtscan affect all the cells in our bodies.

And from Dr. Hamer’s 5 Biological Laws, which guide us in recognizing when we stray too far from ourselves and our deepest needs, preventing us from living a life that is both biologically and humanly harmonious.

The method incorporates principles from various bio-natural disciplines, the result of careful study and learning, which stimulate vital resources and make use of elements respectful of and drawn from nature.

By way of illustration, without exhausting the list, we mention craniosacral technique, naturopathy, Gyrokinesis®, Mindfulness, Martin Brofman’s Mirror Body system, Ho’oponopono, and many other practices.

CHANG-ING, changing the approach toward physical and emotional suffering enables us to avoid the ‘disease syndrome’ that needs to be eliminated or invasively suppressed.

Being aware of the present and practicing active listening to our innate biology guide us toward restoring emotional and physical balance.


I have helped hundreds of people-with the sole goal of leading them to the peaceful life they have always wanted



the free consultation where we get to know each other and can talk about your specific situation

Fill out the form below and reserve your free call where I can show you how to free yourself once and for all from the discomforts that oppress you.

4 + 1 =

Santa Maria, Ilha do Sal - Cabo Verde

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I was born in Turin more than 50 years ago. The only child of a working-class family, from an early age I learned a sense of duty and obedience and grew up with the goal of obtaining a good degree to secure a good job.

Unfortunately, when I was 15, I faced a serious motorcycle accident that profoundly affected my life, my health, and the beliefs I would have about myself in the years to follow.

A chemistry graduate, I was then a manager in the medical and pharmaceutical industry for 30 years, working closely with doctors and hospitals. Despite professional success, I began to perceive the limitation of the health care system that seemed to label diseases to the point of suggesting products suited more often to profit than to permanently cure people, thereby making them lifelong patients constantly in need of services.

Then my health began to deteriorate, facing several illnesses and surgeries with no final solution.

At one point, while researching my work, I discovered the amazing success rates of the placebo group compared with the drug-treated group. How is it possible that people who have been given nothing still achieve striking results?

This prompted me to explore new perspectives, studying and practicing holistic disciplines to regain my balance and activate self-healing potential (Hippocrates’ Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

Over the years, I then felt more and more that I was not in the right place and that something was missing to fulfill me.

The turning point occurred during a vacation in Cape Verde. Here, I met a Cape Verdean massage therapist who helped resolve my chronic sciatica and paved the way for profound personal transformation.

I began to explore new disciplines and undertook training and certification paths such as:

– Life Coach in naturopathic and holistic sciences for health

– MBSR e MBCT Advanced Mindfulness Professional Teacher

– Gyrotonic Expansion System ® Trainer

– Facilitator cranio-sacral technique Upledger method

This transformation led to a radical change in my lifestyle. I embraced my passion for coaching and holistic training, opening a studio in Cabo Verde.

With a scientific approach I delve into and bring into practice modern and traditional sciences applied to personal development and well-being, actively seeking those disciplines centered on the unity of the body, the somato-emotional connection and the centrality of awareness.

My goal is to share my experiences and help others overcome their limitations by embracing a more conscious and healthy lifestyle.

Today I live in Cabo Verde, run a holistic practice and inspire others to regain balance in their emotions, resolve ailments of body and mind and set new healthy, restorative and empowering routines to bring into daily life.

My journey of evolution continues, and now I also intend to share wellness through specific package vacations that integrate personal transformation practices in a context of natural beauty and serenity.